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About South African bulbs

Information for members

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Recently changed web pages and documents

  • SABG home page (20:40 18/11/2024)
    Noticeboard Newsletters and Bulletins * The latest newsletter is [number 52] (November 2024). You can read or download all the SABG newsletters from our list of Newsletters. * The latest Bulletin is number 51/2 (30 September 2024) and was emailed to members on 30 September 2024 (and posted to UK members who don
  • Bulb & Seed Exchange - [Bulb & Seed Exchanges] (19:55 18/11/2024)
    Bulb & Seed Exchange The Southern African Bulb Group runs a Bulb and Seed Exchange, for SABG members only, in July -- August and “Ephemeral seed exchanges” (primarily for seeds which need to be sown immediately on receipt) in Autumn (November) each year. See the section
  • Ephemeral seed exchanges (19:54 18/11/2024)
    Ephemeral seed exchanges In addition to the main Bulb & Seed Exchange in summer, Jon Evans also arranges exchanges for “ephemeral” seeds, which ripen in autumn and must be sown as soon as possible after they ripen, and are therefore not suitable to be saved until the main exchange the following year.
  • November Seed and Bulb Exchange 2024 (19:51 18/11/2024)
    November Seed and Bulb Exchange 2024 The November Seed and Bulb Exchange 2024 has now closed. Once again, members have expressed interest in running an exchange for summer-growing bulbs and ephemeral (short-lived) seed. We are planning to run the exchange on the same timing as last year. This is a compromise; some of the seeds spoil by being kept too long, but others are not yet ripe. Material should be sent out mid-November, so it can be planted and started into growth in a timely fashi…
  • sabgnews52.pdf - created (10:41 05/11/2024)
    <img src="https://sabg.uk/lib/images/fileicons/svg/pdf.svg" alt="sabgnews52.pdf" loading="lazy" width="500" height="500" />
  • strong_em_massonia_dentata_em_asparagac.pdf - created (03:48 05/11/2024)
    <img src="https://sabg.uk/lib/images/fileicons/svg/pdf.svg" alt="strong_em_massonia_dentata_em_asparagac.pdf" loading="lazy" width="500" height="500" />
  • southern_african_bulb_group_exchange_2024_-_ephemeral.pdf - created (15:09 03/11/2024)
    <img src="https://sabg.uk/lib/images/fileicons/svg/pdf.svg" alt="southern_african_bulb_group_exchange_2024_-_ephemeral.pdf" loading="lazy" width="500" height="500" />

[Copyright © 2024 by the Southern African Bulb Group and Richard White.]

info/web/changes/start.txt · Last modified: 19:13 10/08/2022 by Richard White

Warning! sabg.tk will soon expire

You are still using the old address sabg.tk, which will disappear in early January 2025. Some of these pages may now be out of date. Please use the correct address sabg.uk, and alter any old links or bookmarks. Thank you.