Our next meeting will be on Sunday 20th October 2024.
The speaker for this meeting is Alex Summers, who was until recently the curator of the National Botanic Garden of Wales, now working in a National Trust garden. He will give a talk (title to be agreed). The NBGW has a large section devoted to plants from regions with a Mediterranean climate, including a collection of South African bulbs.
Directions to the meeting hall. The doors will open at 10.00, and the meeting will close at about 14.30. SABG members, their guests and visitors are welcome. Admission is £3.00 and parking is free.
As in previous meetings, there will be a display table for any plants that you bring along for others to see. We will have time for some informal discussion during the afternoon, so that members can point out their plants and answer any questions. If you have any slides or computer images that you would like to show, please bring them along.
All who are interested in growing these plants will be welcome. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. and the meeting will finish at approximately 2:30 p.m. There is an entry fee of £3.00, but parking is free. There will as usual be a plant display table, plant sales (a good reason to arrive soon after 10:00!), and tea and coffee with biscuits. There will also be some books for sale. You are encouraged to bring along any plants you wish to display or sell, or digital photos to share with the audience. Bring your own lunch, or pop into Sainsbury’s next door for a sandwich.
The timetable we plan is as follows:
10am | Doors open for Plant Sales. Tea/coffee available |
11am – 12.00 | Main talk |
12.00 - 1 pm | Lunch |
1pm - 2pm | Short talks by members |
2pm – 2.30pm | Winding up |
More details of our meetings are given on the meetings page.
Our next meeting is at our usual place, Badger Farm, Winchester.
In the version of Newsletter 51 attached to the emails to some members, the reference to our “previous” meeting hall is an error perpetrated by the Newsletter Editor (who has refused to resign). Rest assured that there is no change to the meeting place.
Directions for meetings at Badger Farm Community Centre, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4QB (U.K.)
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. Bring your own lunch, or buy something at Sainsbury’s next door.
In addition to the next SABG meeting described above, the following events are planned:
(to be updated)
See Past, present and future meetings for brief details of all past meetings.
[Copyright © 2024 by the Southern African Bulb Group and Richard White.]